They say an organization is only as good as the people who are involved with it. Our Staff, Board members, volunteers, and professional counsel not only possess intelligence and integrity but also a deep sense of empathy and commitment to making the world a better place. They are vital to our continued good governance, regional growth and meaningful community impact.


Peter Dunn Bio

Peter Dunn

President & CEO


Alfred Bush

Staff Accountant

ext. 118


Jonathan Cohen

Vice President of Community Impact

ext. 111


Sandy Flynn

Vice President, Finance and Administration

ext. 114


Amaris Gonzalez

Program Officer for Youth and Families

ext. 107


Norah Joyce

Communications Associate

ext. 115


Melody MacLean

Senior Director of Communications

ext. 102


Elaine Nedder

Stewardship and Compliance Officer

ext. 117


Kaela Schmaus

Manager, Executive Operations

ext. 106


Sarah Shugrue

Director of Grantmaking and Capacity Building

ext. 109


Heather Smith

Events and Office Manager

ext. 100


Kelly Stimson

Vice President of Philanthropic Services

ext. 112


Jacob Vazquez

Philanthropic Advisor

ext. 103


Board of Directors

Thomas J. Bartholomew

CHAIR, Bartholomew & Co., Inc., Term expires 2025

Satya Mitra

CHAIR ELECT, Guru Tax & Financial Services, Inc., Term expires 2024

Maria Heskes-Allard

TREASURER, Term expires 2026

Joycelyn Augustus

CLERK, Financial Consultant, Term expires 2025

Kola Akindele

WPI, Term expires 2026

Che Anderson

AT LARGE, UMass Chan Medical School, Term expires 2025

Michael P. Angelini

AT LARGE, Bowditch & Dewey, Term expires 2028

Linda Cammuso

Estate Preservation Law Offices, Term expires 2027

Marybeth Campbell

Worcester Community Action Council, Term expires 2027

Christine Cassidy

Fallon Health, Term expires 2028

Germán Chiriboga

UMass Chan Medical School, Term expires 2026

Dennis F. Kerrigan, Esq.

Hanover Insurance Group, Term expires 2027

Christopher W. McCarthy

Fidelity Bank, Term expires 2027

Lisa McDonough

Community Volunteer, Term expires 2028

Kimberly Salmon

Hanover Insurance Group, Term expires 2025

Naomi Sleeper

Imperial Distribution, Term expires 2027

Eric Torkornoo

Fidelity Bank, Term expires 2028

Ann Tripp

Opus Management (retired), Term expires 2027

Ronald Waddell

Legendary Legacies, Term expires 2026

Valerie Zolezzi-Wyndham

Promoting Good LLC, Term expires 2027

Warner S. Fletcher

Fletcher Tilton PC, Board Member Emeritus

Past Board Chairs

J. Christopher Collins


Carolyn Stempler


Gerald M. Gates


Gerald L. Gaudette III


R. Joseph Salois


Peter H. Levine, MD


Ross K. Dik


Michael D. Brockelman


Sarah G. Berry


Sumner B. Tilton, Jr.


John Nelson


Michael P. Angelini


Robert H. Wetzel


John Adam, Jr.


Robert Cushman



Lawrence Abramoff

Colleen Abrams

Viviana Abreu-Hernandez

Akosua Agyepong

Kola Akindele

Che Anderson

Jim Andreoli

Michael P. Angelini

Ann Marie Argitis

Joyce Augustus

Ed Augustus Jr.

Alex Bartholomew

Tom Bartholomew

Ken Bates

Eric Batista

Sarah Berry

Mark Bilotta

Moe Boisvert

Elissa Boisvert

Pam Boisvert

Melanie Bonsu

Mark Borenstein

Julie Bowditch

Leah Bradley

Lou Brady

James Broadhurst

Mike Brockelman

Denise Brookhouse

Jim Buonomo

Richard Burke

Eric Busenburg

Frank Callahan

Linda Cammuso

Marybeth Campbell

Kirk Carter

Debbie Cary

Scott Casper

Christine Cassidy

Mattie Castiel

Raquel Castro-Corazzini

Linda Cavaioli

Harriette Chandler

Jeffrey Chin

Germán Chiriboga

Lisa Cohen

J. Christopher Collins

Jim Collins

David Connell

Tracy Craig

Kenneth Crater

Ben Craver

Mike Crawford

Rick Crocker

Katie Crockett

Joshua Croke

Geoff Dancey

Jennifer Davis Carey

Dan de la Torre

Ross Dik

James Donahue

Jim Donnelly

Don Doyle

Ellen Dunlap

Sandy Dunn

Peter Dunn

Grace Elton

Patty Eppinger

John Esler

Jeanne Esler

Allen Falke

Maria Fernandes-Dominique

Anne Fine

David Fithian

Allen Fletcher

Warner Fletcher

Mary Fletcher

Mario Florez

Jack Foley

David Fontaine

Paul Fontaine

Heather Forkey

Mark Fuller

Peter Gardner

Gerry Gates

Jared Gentilucci

Lisa Gibbs

Eve Gilmore

Martha Grace

David Grenon

Mike Grenon

Abe Haddad

Gloria Hall

Liz Hamilton

Jock Herron

Maria Heskes-Allard

Honee Hess

Jamie Hoag

Emily Holdstein

Jason Homer

Lauren Howe

Debora Jackson

Tim Jarry

Parlee Jones

Steve Joseph

Kevin Kearney

Sara Kelleher

Dennis F. Kerrigan, Esq.

Steve Kerrigan

William J. Kerrissey, Jr.

Judi Kirk

Dick Lavey

Robert Layne

Thuha Le

Patricia Leary

Diane Leclair

Linda Looft

Stacy Lord

Monica Lowell

Jim Madigan

Susan Mailman

Barry Maloney

Warren Manigault

Edward Manzi

Laura Marotta

Michael Martin

Heather Maykel

Christopher McCarthy

Todd McDonald

Samantha McDonald

Lisa McDonough

Kate McEvoy

Nadia McGourthy

Tom McGregor

Tom McKenney

Bob McLaren

Jean McMurray

Chris Mehne

Kathie Metzger

John Mirick

Satya Mitra

Ann Molloy

Jessica Morris

Bill Muller

Tim Murray

Weayonnoh Nelson-Davies

Aivi Nguyen

David Nicholson

Kevin O'Brien

Andy O'Donnell

David Ojerholm

Vince Osterman

Martha Pappas

Sonia Paulino

Thoru Pederson

Luis Pedraja

Karen Pelletier

Deborah Penta

Jose Perez

Neil Petersen

Paul Pezzella

Sherri Pitcher

Gina Plata-Nino

Christine Proffitt

Marla Pyle

Ray Quinlan

Dan Rea

Mary Jane Rein

Mary Lou Retelle

Mary Ritter

Shelley Rodman

Eric Roldan

Emily Rosenbaum

Laurie Ross

Scott Rossiter

Paul Rossley

Steve Rothschild

Kent Russell

Kimberly Salmon

Jamie Salois

Joe Salois

Jacob Sanders

Kwasi Sarpong

Anh Vu Sawyer

Sean Scanlon

Paul Scully

Carol Seager

Jay Sherwin

John Shoro

Troy Siebels

Marvin Silver

Michael Sleeper

Naomi Sleeper

Audrey Smolkin

Jeffrey Solomon

Jay Soto

Mark Spuria

Peter Stanton

Carolyn Stempler

Joe Stolberg

Alan Stoll

Clyde Talley

George Tetler

Monica Thomas-Bonnick

Troy Thompson

Liz Thompson

Tony Tilton

Eric Torkornoo

Tuyet Tran

Ann Tripp

Michael Urban

Wayne Ushman

Ron Waddell

Julian Wade

Jeanette Wade

Bill Wallace

Matt Wally

Liz Wambui

Matthias Waschek

Victoria Waterman

Jon Weaver

Chick Weiss

Jim Welu

Mark Wetzel

Todd Wetzel

David White

Harry Whitin

Tom Wickstrom

Elizabeth Wickstrom Morse

Stephanie Williams

Helene Winn

David Woodbury

Kelsa Zereski

Tina Zlody

Valerie Zolezzi-Wyndham