For Community
To address the immense challenge of affordable housing in the County, the Foundation is exploring investments beyond our traditional grantmaking.
Partnership with Worcester County Housing Resources
Our first affordable housing investment is in partnership with Worcester County Housing Resources, a nonprofit that creates and preserves affordable housing opportunities for low to moderate income houses throughout the County.
WCHR works with private and public partners to develop home ownership and rental housing in key neighborhood locations, working with property owners, local government, and advocates in developing plans and financing to turn vacant land and underused or abandoned buildings into quality housing.
Through a $1 million low-interest line of credit from the Foundation, we will support early-stage funding of WCHR's affordable housing projects.
The first deployment of the line of credit will support the creation of three affordable rental units in Hardwick, a rural town with very few rental properties. Learn more about the partnership and first investment at the link below.
Foundation Announces $1 Million Partnership with Worcester Community Housing Resources

Contact Jonathan Cohen
Vice President of Community Impact