The 2024 Community Grant Program for Operating Support will open August 1 for renewals and September 1 for new applications.

The Community Grant Program is the signature competitive granting opportunity for GWCF. The responsive and flexible program awards close to $2 million annually in a range of focus areas.

The Community Grant Program is rooted in the belief that we can collectively work towards a more equitable, vibrant and just community by offering flexible grant options, implementing strategic focus areas, and emphasizing the underlying approaches nonprofit organizations apply to their work.

The Community Grant Program for Operating Support seeks to support organizations with:

Additionally, we seek to make grant investments that are as transformative as possible given our financial resources and the current needs of our local nonprofit sector and community. We are aspirational in our role to correct larger historical philanthropic trends and practices that have created barriers to accessing funding for certain types of organizations. Finally, we hope to continue to sharpen our guidance for applicants on the amount requested for operating support that is in line with our resources. To that end, we are piloting the following funding structure for the 2023 cycle.

Requested Amount Ranges Based on Annual Organizational Budget:


*See full guidelines for who and what is and is not eligible

Focus Areas & Lenses

Focus Areas:

Requests will be measured against their alignment to one of the focus areas along with the lenses listed below. We recognize the limitations of our total grant allotment and seek to be in partnership with organizations where our grant would make a transformative difference for that nonprofit, as opposed to being a drop in the bucket. Specific strategies for each area can be found on the full guidelines page

  1. Health & Wellbeing- Strengthening the systems that ensure those from historically excluded populations have equitable access to healthcare.
  2. Arts & Creativity- Building and supporting a diverse and strong Arts & Culture Ecosystem where all belong.
  3. Youth & Families- Ensuring families have what they need to thrive and that young people have access to critical supports and meaningful experiences.
  4. Basic Needs- Working to ensure all residents of our community have food and shelter.


In addition to the focus areas, we also strive to be in relationship with organizations who are on a journey to examine, learn, and pivot in the areas of equity, community voice and disrupting systems. We look for honest and authentic reflections vs. advanced responses.

Equity: We believe equity is one part of racial justice, and thus we include in our approach work that addresses root causes of inequities, not just their manifestations. Requests should demonstrate a thoughtful approach to who will benefit and how inclusion and equity are approached throughout your organization and programming.

Community Voice: Organizations with strong community voice co-create and lead programming together, create structures in partnership or are led by those more impacted by the issue.

Disrupting Systems: We are interested in being in relationship with organizations looking closely at ways to move our community to a more equitable place by understanding root causes of inequities and engaging in partnerships, coalitions and advocacy work that results in changed systems. While we recognize many small direct service providers do not have the bandwidth to engage in this work on a wide scale level, we believe all organizations have something meaningful to share in this area.