A summary of the Foundation's latest grant rounds.

Leicester Savings Bank Fund

This year, 15 organizations in Leicester will receive funding to support projects that align with the Leicester Savings Bank Fund’s priority areas, including:

  • $5,000 for Deja New LeicesterThis project funding will help move the Deja New Rides pilot program into a longer-term commitment. Deja New Rides offers Leicester residents free rides to non-emergency medical appointments within Worcester County, addressing the lack of adequate public transportation which was identified as a major barrier to healthcare access in a 2021 needs assessment. 
  • $5,500 for the Leicester Council on Aging: This project funding will support the senior center’s new hybrid program. Seniors who are unable to visit the center in person will receive support to participate in the center’s programming via Zoom, including hearing from speakers on health, finances, legal and nutrition, and participating in the center’s exercise programs. By offering the hybrid program, the center hopes to reduce feelings of isolation for seniors unable to leave their home.

Worcester County Food Bank Fund to End Hunger

$104,500 in grants will go to supporting nonprofit organizations working towards a hunger-free Worcester County, including:

  • $5,000 for The Farm SchoolThe Farm School provides food grown from seed, harvested, washed, packaged and delivered to those in need. This grant will offset the cost to donate food to the Athol High School food pantry, which feeds between 200 and 300 households each month. This partnership allows residents of Athol to receive fresh food that is local and grown without pesticides or other harmful chemicals.
  • $5,000 for the Growing Places Garden ProjectThis funding will enable Growing Places to purchase the equipment needed to package lightly processed products compliant with the MA Healthy Incentives Program at the new North Central MA local food processing center. The equipment will give the organization the efficiency needed to distribute more accessible local produce to more people in the region.

Nonprofit Effectiveness Grants

We have distributed $60,000 through our spring round of Nonprofit Effectiveness Grants to support organizations looking to build their internal capacity, including:

  • $8,000 to the Safe Exit Initiative: Formerly known as Living in Freedom Together (LIFT), the Safe Exit Initiative is in the process of rebranding and will use this grant to support its marketing strategies, boost its online presence and assess the success of these efforts to help with long-term communications and marketing planning.
  • $7,000 to Family Health Center of Worcester: As part of its ongoing efforts to assess the organizations Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging initiatives and Human Resources operations, the Center will use this funding to conduct a pay equity audit to help them recruit and retain a diverse workforce by creating clear job grades that ensure pay equity, competitive wages and clear paths for growth. 

For a full list of grantees from these funds, visit the link below.