Starting with relatively humble beginnings when a group of Worcester residents created a small endowment with a large vision, the Foundation endowment has grown to nearly 600 funds equalling more than $140 million. The Foundation takes great care to ensure that the gifts entrusted to it endure for the long term. Funds are invested in a commingled pool and governed by a diversified investment strategy intended to preserve capital for the future while still meeting the community needs of today.
“This is an impressive milestone for us, our donors, and for Worcester County,” said Ann T. Lisi, President and CEO at Greater Worcester Community Foundation. “Through our donors' generosity, vision and imagination we have helped fund thousands of causes and nonprofits with more than $100 million. Everyone who resides or works in Worcester County has seen the benefits of this amazing generosity.”
In 2015 alone nearly $5.4 million has been granted to nonprofits including $600,000 going to local students for college tuition in the form of scholarships. The Foundation also coordinated more than a dozen workshops throughout the year teaching nonprofit leaders essential management and programming skills.
“This is an impressive milestone for us, our donors, and for Worcester County,” said Ann T. Lisi, President and CEO at Greater Worcester Community Foundation. “Through our donors' generosity, vision and imagination we have helped fund thousands of causes and nonprofits with more than $100 million. Everyone who resides or works in Worcester County has seen the benefits of this amazing generosity.”
In 2015 alone nearly $5.4 million has been granted to nonprofits including $600,000 going to local students for college tuition in the form of scholarships. The Foundation also coordinated more than a dozen workshops throughout the year teaching nonprofit leaders essential management and programming skills.