The Foundation's Youth for Community Improvement (YCI) Fund is now accepting proposals. YCI has engaged over 200 teens from diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds since 1999, and awarded over $300,000 to over 75 nonprofit organizations in Worcester County. YCI is seeking proposals that fall under the following area(s) of interest:
Academic Enrichment of Young People
- Organizations focused on post-secondary education (college access/success, financial literacy, career development, first generation college students)
- Organizations providing academic support in or out of school time
Health & Wellness of Young People
- Organizations supporting the mental health and wellness of young people
- Organizations focused on peer to peer social supports
- Organizations providing sexual health education and/or healthy relationship education
Youth Leadership & Civic Engagement
- Organizations engaging and empowering young people in the areas of government, politics and civic education
- Organizations empowering young people around advocacy (Priority given to organizations advocating around homelessness and environment)